Not having learnt my lesson... obviously
Do you see my gorgeous new double stroller... I am completely in love with it, so I thought why not be adventurous and take it for a little spin down the ducky park, the boys love to frequent... And I can definately give it two big thumbs up! I on the other hand obviously need my head examined.
This ducky park is quite a hike you see, and Phil & I have this ongoing argument about which is the quickest way, he insists his is, and I disagree and say mine is due to the many shortcuts I found in all the years of riding around town as a young girl. So on the first day we found it, to see who was correct, we had a race home. And I couldn't find a single one of those shortcuts so he beat me by a country mile!!! But I still say BITE me! And think that mine is the shortest route.
I had since done a reconesance mission and found a path that starts right at the beginning of the a big circuit that leads to the park, and another one just in front of the park, now on a map these 2 paths would surely meet up as they are almost in a straight line, with a couple of detours down some suburban streets (but as you may know paths aren't marked on a map). So I set out today with the boys at 2pm, in their brand new double pram. And I walk the 15 mins to the first path that should hopefully take me to the park in about 10 mins. And I walk, and walk, and walk. There are streets cutting off every which way, and the path keeps dividing, so I just keep heading in the direction I would assume the park would be in (let me tell you I would NEVER survive in the bush with that skill!) So I'm still walking, and the path is getting smaller and rougher, and the trees are getting denser and closer together, and I'm starting to wonder if I've stumbled into one of those dodgy horror movies where the dumb blonde just about hands the psycho a knife and declares "I dare ya!", with my two babies in their brand new pram... (can you see I'm obsessed with said pram)... So as a million different scenarios are running through my head about finding my poor body shoved under a bridge I start to jog a little faster, and a little faster and a little faster still... And just when I've about reached a full blown panic as there seems to be a lot of paths but I haven't come across a road in forever (although i can hear the cars zooming close by!) I stumble across a nice new bridge and I know I must be somewhere near civilization... I finally find my way to the park but however have managed to walk so far around I have completely missed the park and am now coming in from Phil's chosen directions. But we finally arrive (HURRAH!), so we spend about 15 minutes at the park, then try feeding the ducks only to be snobbed by all but one lone ducky... I'm guessing we weren't the first people to feed them today. So after that ungodly walk we probably spent about 20 mins at the park total.
So we then trudged home, this time with the help of my trusty mobile phone GPS, so that I found all my original shortcuts. YIPPEE However by the time (which was 5.15 people! YES IT TOOK ME OVER 3 HOURS to get to the park play for 20 mins and then go back) we got home my legs were shaking, and I had blisters on blister, and in some unusual form of torture I've managed to wear the balls of my feet raw in some places, which I can assure you feels less then blissful.
So yet again I am reminded why I'm allergic to exercise... But do you think I have learnt my lesson. Probably not! Give me a couple days for my feet to heel and we'll be off to the park again. Yes I believe I'm either a masochist or just plain stupid... I'll let you guys decide...
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