Thursday, December 29, 2005

Our House in Motion

Well here is a little Treat.
We have a new video camera so i thought i would create something to share. Well Its short and it will make you sick as i think i move to quick. But let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A mother's view

Hello world,

After reading Phil's ramblings, I thought it best to put my 2 cents worth in....

Well what does a boy mean to me?? It means spidermen, action figures, pet bugs and sports that involve broken bones!! There go my dreams of piano lessons & ballet! Although I'm still considering piano lessons for the poor little tike... ;p But I wont inflict a tutu on him...

But all that aside, my biggest & most pressing concern is how the heck do I get this thing out?? I mean I'm not even that big yet, and the concept has me terrified... I asked the sonographer how large the head was, (it's 4.9cm for all those playing at home)... And I thought I can live with that.... However I am told this gets to 9 - 10 cm's before the little bugger decides to make it's appearance.... Can you say GOOD GOD!

And then once I'm over that trauma then I have to bring it home & keep it.... I mean I can do baby sitting, I love other peoples kids! But I can't even look after myself, let alone this poor baby full time!! My one saving grace is at least for the first 6 months I don't have to worry about what to feed it.... As they don't tend to be to fussy about that... Well hopefully anyway!!

But all my whining aside, I too am excited and coming to terms with the fact that my Caitlin is going to be a Harrison... And I think I will be even more so once Phil has finished emptying the spare room so I can start on my nursery! And after all we live in modern day times! Who's to say Harry can't play with Barbies!!

It does make me giggle though that Phil thinks the child being a boy would change his responsibility level!! I think it may raise the enjoyment level Phil gets out of playing with it's toys!! And will mean we will be poor forever! As Phil is already looking at all the FANTASMAGORICLY expensive toys that he wants to buy... But I can't even get him to read a book on how to teach the baby to read! So I'm guessing this is a sign that I am going to be taking the lions share of the job of ensuring the baby has all it's other needs met, while Phil provides entertainment.... Ain't life grand..... But then I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way...

And maybe here is where I should put in an apology to Harry for after we are done with our job.... In case he ever decides to look back on these entries... All I can say is we tried our best! And hope we didn't emotionally scar you too much... But look back with kindness as you didn't come with a users guide.... And I hope that you still love your mummy & daddy when your all growed up..

Friday, December 16, 2005

Harrison the thoughts

Now for a little raving.

I would like to share the thoughts going through my head when i found out i was having a boy. We it goes something like this....

A Boy " Great he's going to turn out like me! "
A Boy " Dad will be happy. Someone to continue the name"
A Boy " Cool i might not miss out that much at Christmas and birthdays "
A Boy " Damn now i have to toilet train him. That was our deal"
A Boy " I will have to get fit to keep up with him."

Then it was "Oh My God i have to look after and think of someone else apart from myself."

Thoughts now that are coming to mind: I will have to share my toys with him :) i don't share well. But i will have someone to take fishing even if i don't like fishing that much. Dad will love that when i go up to Darwin.

I am going to have to adjust a bit now as we were expecting to have a girl and i had almost worked myself up to the fact that Jodi would be able to do most of the looking after her. But now It is going to be a boy i will be the one doing more. Although it might end up the other way around as i will be hiding somewhere out the back in a shed trying to avoid changing nappies.

It still really hasn't sunk in that we are even having a baby. Jodi is hardly showing and until he comes out screaming and we have to take him home i don't think it will. I am a person that if i don't see it in front of me i don't believe it is real. That's how i can save at the moment i move the money on the screen in the bank and i never get to physically see it doesn't exist.

I am looking forward to it even if i sound like i am scared out of my tree. I just hope that he is more ambitious than i am. I hope he listens to me when he is young and not when he is too old like me.

This also means that the idea of a second child is almost certain as Jodi wants a Girl so we will have to try again. Better time it better this time. We have not decided the delay before the next one yet. This is hard because you don't want this one to miss out on the attention because you have to focus on another little baby. But you also don't want the delay to be to great and they are not close when growing up because the age difference is too great. I would prefer a 1 to 2 year gap more towards 3 years. Then they are almost old enough not to need constant attention to amuse them. However i think mush older that 3 years and the age difference becomes to far and they don't go through school together, He doesn't look out for his younger brother/sister. I Hope being part of a big family likes jodi's helps in the family bonding. I sometimes wish we had not lived in Darwin away from all my cousins. But if i hadn't then things would be a whole lot different.

Anyway enough of my ravings. I am happy i will be a Dad i hope to bring up my son with some of the values and wisdom my father tried to impart on me at a young age and never really sunk in till i was older.


Harrison (working title) pic 3

This is it. "A BOY". The Sonographer is almost certain it is a boy. They cant say 100% but some of the video we saw it was pretty obvious. This photo though not very clear does infact show the extra bits that a male needs. Not a real good picture but we will be hoping she is right as we are now going out to buy boys stuff.
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Harrison (working title) Pic 2

This is the Alien we have created. (he is a boy you will see later). This is the front on view showing the eyes and face. Looks alien but just means that all the bits are in the right place. Posted by Picasa

Harrison (working Title)

Here we have the Pictures of the baby at 20 weeks. This is a nice profile view of his head. We have decided to call him Harrison at this time, Things could change might end up calling him Fred :)

Anyway more pics to follow. Posted by Picasa