Monday, March 29, 2010

Harry at Seaworld

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Harry's Tennis Lessons

Here is Harry at his tennis lessons. Sooooooo CUTE!

Zaccy's Tour Company

Here is Zaccy giving Iggle Piggle & Maka Paka a tour of our house in his lil
red car.

Zaccy being cute

Zaccy wanted to get the monkeys down from the he went and got his chair and tried but couldnt he went and got his stool but still couldnt reach so come and got me....all so he could watch go bannanas from the wiggles which first song in about monkeys.....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Harry's Adventures

Well for those that missed out....Harry was takent to hospital by ambulance on Wednesday morning 4:50 am as they think he had a seizure.

Now after much poking and prodding at the hospital it seems he might have had a mild grow out of type seizure...cant remember the name....

Anyway while he was at the hospital for tests and observation, The Titans came to visit. We got a few photo's didnt think to take the camera in the ambulance :(

Quite by accident i wore my Titans shirt up as it was the only thing in the dryer that i could wear...So guess who got their shirt signed....

Harry is good he just wants to stay in the hospital cause he gets lots of attention and plays in the playroom.

Harry and Titans at the Hospital

More Titans photos

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lunch in the mcdonalds park

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Ear surgery after.