Friday, May 23, 2008

Photos of our cutie pies!

Here is Zaccy and a fat looking Mummy! But this was Zac holding his head up by himself...

And having a relax in the bath!

My two gorgeous boys having a cuddle...

And Harry singing in the rain!! Or the shower...

Sleeping Zaccy!

Harry reading to himself as Mummy was busy with Zaccy!

Zaccy sleeping in his cute Peter Alexander PJ's.

Having some tummy time.

And a big giggle and smile for Aunty Nicki...

Zaccy has cuddles with Daddy.

Harry eating Breaky in his cute PJ's..

And practicing to be the next Australian Idol.

And now it's a guitar!

At Bronte's birthday party.

Blowing out Bronte's candles...

And YAY!!! All blown out (and covered in drool!)

More sleeping Zac.

Harry & Barney.

Reasy Set GO!!! My little footy player! He has to play football as we watch the NRL on TV!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The info about Zac

Well as Phil has pointed out that I have been very slack about updating you all on Zac, so I thought I would give you all the info, before I drop into bed in an exhausted heap...

Well he is now 3 weeks and 3 days old, and sooo beautiful. He has the strongest neck and is already lifting it up off my shoulder, and holding it up when he is sitting on my knee... I am also convinced that he keeps smiling! But have been told it must be wind as babies cannot smile before about 6 weeks. He has come down with a bit of a cold lately, which means that I can't sleep well as I am always so stressed out about him breathing clearly... He however is such a good baby!! (We are all waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to start screaming!), but he is happy to sleep anywhere (bassinet, bed, swing, arms)... He very rarely cries and normally only if he has a good reason, like he is hungry or needs changing... And if he is sitting with me he is just happy to watch me or any other people around... When he has wind he makes the funniest little grunting noises... So cute... Ohhhh but he is a spewey baby!! But that seems like a small problem. He seems to vomit (or posset as my Dr calls it) at least a couple times a day, which is all fine but some have been full on up chucks!! Which involve moping up where ever we are sitting and changing all his and my clothes... (or whoever happens to be holding him at the time... Poor Grandma!)

Little Harry is sooo smitten with his baby brother! He seemed cranky with me when i first brought Zaccy home, but has gotten over that (thank goodness as my little Angel being mad at me sent me into many a crying fit) and now loves 'baby Zac' to distraction and always wants to hold him or his little hand or kiss and hug him... All which normally ends in poor Zac being head butted, or elbowed in the head or poked accidentally in the eye with a nose (which is also runny as Harry has got a cold as well). But he is also a really big help... He loves to grab new nappies for me, and wants to help change Zac, or put the used nappies in the bin or the dirty clothes in the wash... He even has to help me hang the clothes out lately... I just can't believe how big he has gotten! I worry I will blink and they will both be fully grown...

I also can't believe how lucky Phil & I are to have 2 gorgeous little boys for us to love to distraction. But this smitten mummy is off to bed before I fall down... And to ponder how wonderful my babies are... Goodnight till next time...