Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Makes you wonder why you bother cleaning!

I had just finished vacuuming the whole house (a job that takes a good hour), and was about to return the vacuum cleaner to the cleaning closet when I stumbled across these two little ratbags. Apparently Zaccy had emptied the whole container of powder and they were taking the opportunity to play in it like it was snow... I didn't know whether to be horrified or laugh! You be the judge...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Kids at Camping

Well Phil convinced me to go camping (against my better judgement!) and it
turns out he was right and a LOT of fun was had by all! The boys both had
their first "biscuit" ride, and although they both insist they had fun the
after picture shows that poor Zaccy may have been slightly traumatised. We
didn't get as many photos as we had promised Aunty Nicki due to positions on
the boat being prime real estate. But the big kids also had a great amount
of fun, and will hopefully facebook their pics so Nickers can see.

The Easter Bunny also visited and left us lots of yummy chocolate eggs that
Mummy will secretly eat over the next couple of days... (cough cough!) I
mean months! (yeah sure I do!)

I hope everyone else had a safe and happy Easter, until next time - when
I've gained another 50kgs due to chocolate consumption.